This information is based on a personal case study while I was training asthma sufferers to be helicopter rescue crew in Sydney. For many of you this may be interesting especially if you have ambitions to be involved in an emergency service, the military or law enforcement. And for others just wanting to start running better with asthma the same principles will apply. Here are the steps.
Step 1 - Lose Weight
If you are overweight, you need to lose weight. All that extra work your body and your lungs are going to do is not going to help you running better with asthma so get your weight under control first.
Step 2 - Give up smoking and reduce the alcohol intake
Believe it or not, may asthmatics smoke. If you smoke and you run, you are setting yourself up for disaster. Reduce the alcohol intake as well. This will help with the weight loss.
Step 3 - Healthy Eating
Reduce your intake of fried foods and vegetable oils and increase your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA). This will help reduce the inflammatory response and will definitely contribute to running better with asthma. Increase your intake of filtered water (about 8-10 glasses per day, minimum and more if you live in a hot/humid environment and/or you sweat a lot). Consume lots of green leafy vegetables - these tend to be higher in magnesium, manganese and other minerals that support healthy lung function. A liquid mineral supplement will also help significantly.
Ideally you should supplement your diet with additional essential fatty acids. As an asthmatic, you need to be consuming about 5 gm of EFA per day and you can really only achieve this through supplements. You'll be surprised how much of a difference this will make!
Step 4 - Warm up & Start Slowly
You definitely need to spend some time warming up especially if you live in a cold climate. The best way to do this is to spend about 10 minutes doing some very low impact aerobic activity indoors on an exercise bike or rowing machine. Alternatively, you could start with an easy walk. If you live in a cold country, wear plenty of warm clothes so you build up heat. This will definitely help running better with asthma. if you are new to any form of aerobic training, this activity may be sufficient to start with. Remember you are trying to perform the activity and keep your breathing under control and to do this you need to start slowly.
Step 5 - Set Easy Time Targets At First
Start with an easy target. The last thing you want to do is put pressure on yourself. You need to first get used to running for a certain period of time before you can start running and walking better with asthma. I suggest 10 minutes in the form of run and walk - so the idea is that you start walking as soon as you feel your chest tightening. Take the time to get your breathing under control and start a slow run as soon as you feel better. Have a friend run with you and carry your inhaler. Your aim is to run for 10 minutes non-stop. This may take a few weeks - don't rush it.
Step 6 - Set A Distance Target
Once you can run for 10 minutes, set a distance target. Now you are on the way to running better with asthma. I suggest a 5 to 7km target at first and increase to 10km. Again, run with a friend and you inhaler and don't be afraid to walk if you feel your chest tightening. If you live in a cold climate, remember cold weather can aggravate the problem so don't this in cold extremes. You may even consider doing this indoors on a running machine. You have two aims: (1) to complete the distance; (2) to do the distance with your breathing under control.
Step 7 - Now Push Yourself (A little at first)
To start running better with asthma you now need to push yourself over the same distance of 7 to 10km. Increase your work rate in small increments and start to time yourself over the distance. The plan is to start seeing small improvements each week - this may be measured in seconds rather than minutes. Be patient and stick with this approach for several months and you will notice your times improving - all the while you must be controlling your breathing - not the other way around if you are to begin running better with asthma.
Breathing Techniques
Losing weight and learning how to breathe properly while you exercise is more than half the battle to running better with asthma and the key here is to stay relaxed and not 'over-breathe'
A technique I have found very useful for asthma sufferers is the Buteyko Technique or Method. The Buteyko Method originated in Russia in the 1950's by Russian doctor, Konstantin Buteyko who linked over breathing with a variety of respiratory ailments, including asthma.
The method involves a series of breathing exercises done in a specific manner and involving correct body use and also involves reduced breathing, simple life style changes and education about medication and it's use (especially that of bronchodilators).
If you want to learn about breathing and start running better with asthma, find a Buteyko practitioner in your area and enrol - especially if time is important to you - i.e. if you are training for a fitness test.
As a final point, increased breathing during exercise causes cooling and drying of the lining of the air passages and it is thought that this is what may cause someone to get exercise-induced asthma. This also explains why warm moist air protects against exercise-induced asthma. Swimming rather than running, training in warmer and moister air and warming up for longer periods can all help.
To start running better with asthma you need to:
- Lose weight, stop smoking and reduce your intake of alcohol, fried foods a vegetable oils.
- Increase your intake of essential fatty acids and minerals, particularly magnesium and manganese.
- Spend time warming up before you run.
- Build up your running slowly and aim to run for 7-10km continuously - all the while keeping your breathing under control.
- Consider enrolling in Buteyko Breathing Techniques to improve your breathing naturally.
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