H1NI Slowly Makes It's Global Appearance
The Center of Disease Control(CDC) reports that 35,928 cases of the H1N1 flu virus worldwide has resulted in 163 deaths. The H1N1 has been classified as a pandemic even though only a few died.
We say only a few because, the seasonal flu infects 200,000 and kills about 35,000 yearly in the United States. Don"t be fooled by the number of deaths associated with the H1N1 virus. It can still be deadly.
Who Are More Susceptible?
The CDC says that 57 percent of the Swine flu cases reported in the United States are among persons 5 to 24 years of age. Asthmatics are very susceptible to an attach even if the flu strain is not virulent( highly infectious). Asthmatics must aware because even at this seeming harmless state an attach can sometimes be fatal.
Dr.Gordon Dickerson, chief of infectious diseases at the University of Miami School of Medicine warns,
"People who have trouble with asthma can have real trouble if the there's an attach, even of not very virulent respiratory infection".
Case in point-- Nine year old young boy from Miami Dade County died June 9, 2009 from H1N1 virus infection. The boy had a history of chronic asthma. In a cardiopulmonary arrest he was taken to the hospital where he died.
The CDC reports that seventy-one percent of the 45 swine flu death so far in the U.S. are those with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) or immune deficiencies.
Why Asthmatics Are More Susceptible
Bronchial asthma causes constriction of the bronchioles( airway passages). Muscles within the walls of the bronchioles flex and go into spasm, the walls thicken, air passages become clogged by mucus and air is trapped in the deepest airways.( Dr.Jimmy Gutman-- Glutathione Your Key To Health-- Page 121)
Influenza's are respiratory disorders that are caused by different viruses. The main problem with asthmatics is respiratory complications.
Antioxidants and the Lungs
Inflammation of the lungs is the most common pulmonary disorder. The processes in asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia all lead to inflammation. The body's inflammatory response itself generates free radicals and antioxidant are increasingly used to complement traditional treatments.
Oxidative stress( cell and tissue damage resulting from oxidation due to free radicals) is high in the lungs. "Antioxidants in the fluid lining of the lungs plays a large part in our front line defense against airborne pollutants, many which are powerful sources of free radicals".( Dr. Gutman's book Glutatahione-Your Key To Health-- Page 120)
How Glutathione(GSH) Helps Asthmatics Minimize and Control Their Asthma Attacks
Low levels of GSH and GSH perioxidase levels play a role in the onset and progression of asthma. Numerous studies in asthmatic have identified such abnormalities in red and white blood cells GSH, serum GSH, platelets GSH and lung- fluid GSH.
So the truth of the matter is, there is a direct correspondence between low GSH levels and the severity of asthma attacks.
NAC (N-acetylcysteine) and Bioactive Whey Protein.. GSH Precursors
NAC (N-acetylcysteine) potent GSH precursor that's available as a drug (Mucomist, Parolex). NAC has been used in cancer theraphy especially for smokers and other high risk for cancer. It is known to have a direct anti-tumor affect.
Two common problems with NAC
* As a pharmaceutical drug it is very toxic.
* NAC-induced GSH levels reach rapid peak and declines within hours. Thus it has been described as a short half-life.
Bio-active Whey Protein
Bio-active whey proteins contains high levels of non-denatured proteins- which guarantees the highest levels of GSH promoting activity.
Dr. Gustavo Bounous and his research staff at McGill University in Montreal studying protein supplementation discovered the bio-active potential of whey protein.
This whey protein has been patented for it's immuno-sustaining GSH enhancing effects- clinically trials includes research into infectious diseases( HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, Lyme disease, bacterial infection, cancer therapy, pulmonary diseases, CFS and other disorders associated with oxidative stress and low GSH activity.
Advantages of Bio-active Whey Proteins as GSH Precursors
* Assures glutathione promoting activity
* Clinically proven to optimize the immune system
* This bio-active whey protein is safe, dependable and effective in sustaining elevated GSH levels.
Case in point: Wayne H. of Georgia for decades suffered with asthma. Every four hours required the use of an buterol inhaler.
After much research on asthma and it's connection with low GSH in the lungs, Wayne was led to this bio-active whey protein from an immune system research company at McGill University in Montreal Canada.
After only one week of daily usage of this protein, Wayne no longer needed the inhaler every 4 hours. The last time he used the inhaler was May 2003.
Respiratory disorders can lead to serious health issues including death. More than 6.5 million children in the U.S. under the age of 18 suffers from asthma. About 4,000 North Americans die each year from asthma.
Protecting our children with the safest and most effective treatment is vital. Raising GSH is clinically proven to be a defender against major health issues including respiratory disorders.
Raise GSH levels and you can stop asthma in it's tracks... ASTHMATICS BEWARE!!
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