Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Basics About Bronchitis

There are two forms of bronchitis, the acute and the chronic bronchitis. The most common of the two is the acute bronchitis form. This is the result of an infection with a virus or bacteria. Acute bronchitis is in most of the cases a consequence of an infection in the upper respiratory system.

To actually understand bronchitis, we must know what part of our body it affects and how. Well, bronchitis is a respiratory infection, in which the bronchial tubes become inflated. This is bronchitis. This membrane swallows constantly and it grows thicker every day, making it hard for air to get to your lungs. The acute form of bronchitis lasts about two months. The chronic bronchitis can last up to two years. In this interval, you will suffer from bronchitis, feel better and than develop it again, as this form of bronchitis is recurrent.

There is a third type of bronchitis as well, asthmatic bronchitis. This happens only in people who suffer from asthma and the develop bronchitis. Smoking can also be a problem for you. If you develop bronchitis and you are a smoker, the recovery will be much harder.

Acute bronchitis has many different symptoms, like cough, fever, sore throat, chills and you might sometimes have some problems breathing when suffering from acute bronchitis. The cough is the most common symptom for acute bronchitis. The second type of bronchitis, chronic bronchitis has almost the same symptoms as acute bronchitis, but the cough is persistent and it produces a mucus

colored yellow or green. The period of coughing in chronic bronchitis is also longer, about three months. You might also loose your breath once in a while when suffering from chronic bronchitis.

As bronchitis is a disease that has consequences, a doctor must called as soon as possible. He/ she will give you the proper bronchitis treatment. However, there is reason for concern in some of the following cases:

- if your cough becomes persistent and you have chest pain;

- having bronchitis symptoms for more than one and a half weeks;

- the mucus produced by the cough has a darker color;

- if you have another lung problem and develop bronchitis, you might have serious complications;

The treatment for bronchitis is simple and available for everybody. It depends on what type of bronchitis you have. However, if besides the bronchitis symptoms you cough blood or the symptoms for bronchitis are very severe, a doctor should be seen right away.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Top Techniques to Cure Asthma Quick

Asthma is a condition that anyone can have at any point in their lives. It is also something that can be very life threatening and can totally prevent a sufferer from living a normal life. This is why treating it should be one of the top priorities every asthmatic should always keep in mind.

The great thing about this condition, however, is that due to its popularity, techniques to cure asthma quick are also very easy to find. In fact, you can easily find a handful of websites trying to tell you the secret ways how you can get rid of asthma in a week or so.

Surely, this may sound amazing, but the problem is, asthma is a chronic condition, that you cannot really make go away that easily. This is why the techniques to cure asthma quick most legitimate websites offer do not promise of making your asthma disappear in an instant, but states right away that only through proper maintenance and management will you be able to get rare attacks and not exactly make the condition disappear like smoke. This is also a reason why the techniques to cure asthma quick in this article only promise to help you control and manage your condition so you can have less attacks and, eventually, live a normal and even active life.

So before things go out of hand, you may already want to know what these three top techniques to cure asthma quick are. To help you do that, here is a list:

1. Learn breathing exercises. Because asthma is a condition of the respiratory system, breathing exercises are really very promising techniques to learn in dealing with the condition. Not only do these techniques help during attacks, but they also help improve the patient's overall health.

2. Have an asthma care plan. Having a care plan can help you understand your condition more, allowing you to manage it better, in turn. As your plan works by recording your every symptom and attack, you will be more likely obliged to know more why and how your asthma attacks start and lapse. So, make sure you sit down with your physician and make an asthma care plan for you.

3. Get medicated. Prescription medicine is still one of the best techniques to cure asthma quick especially if you have a special kind of asthma that requires strict taking of prescribed meds, like exercise induced asthma. Also, quick relief meds are still the most ideal treatment methods for most asthmatics, as these meds can easily get them through an asthma attack.

Aside from these three, you can still find quite a number of other techniques to cure asthma quick. Just remember to check on your doctor first, though, as not all of the things you can find online are completely safe and tested to be effective.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vitamin Supplements For Asthma

Asthma is a lung disease in which the airway becomes inflamed and results in wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, chest tightness, and coughing. The airway becomes contracted and leads to breathing difficulty. Symptom intensity is different in different people. Some may have severe symptoms and some may have very mild symptoms. The triggering factors also vary from person to person.

Asthma can be treated differently and there are many different ways for treating asthma. It can be treated through medications, inhalers, anti-inflammatories, herbal medications, homeopathy, and even yoga. These different methods can be helpful to one or the other person depending on the intensity.

Vitamin supplements also help in treating asthma. Vitamins are essentially in day-to-day life. If vitamins are not taken in appropriate quantities it can lead to one or the other deficiency. Vitamin supplements are available in many different forms, for example tablets, capsules, chewable, and even liquid form.

Lycopene is an antioxidant related to beta-carotene. It is found mostly in tomatoes. The asthma symptom that has occurred due to vigorous exercises is relieved by Lycopene. One can say that exercise-induced asthma attack is controlled by this vitamin supplement. One of the reasons for asthma is deficiency of vitamin B6. Some asthma medications like theophylline and aminophylline reduce this deficiency and control the symptoms of asthma. Even vitamin B6 tablets are helpful for asthma patients.

Vitamin supplements containing vitamin B12 is helpful in reducing wheezing and it improves the breathing rate. Some people also take supplements containing vitamin C as research shows that it has the ability to fight against virus. There are proofs of people benefit from cold symptoms by taking vitamin C supplements and which indirectly is beneficial to asthma patients.

Magnesium is a vital mineral that helps to reduce swelling and inflammation of the cell. This mineral also helps to normalize muscle contraction and relaxation. Grape seed extract is also used as a supplement which contains bioflavonoid-like ingredients to reduce the release of antihistamines. One such product is cordyceps also used for asthma symptoms. It improves the breathing rate and also increases oxygen intake.

There are many ways of controlling asthma amongst them is vitamin supplement. These should be taken only under the direction of the physician. Asthma is a disease which can be taken care of by our own lifestyle and way of living. One should take proper body hygiene and also the diet should be taken balanced which helps our immunity system leading to better life.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Prevent Allergy Induced Asthma by Overcoming Outdoor Allergens

If you are suffering from allergy induced asthma, it is often advisable that you stay indoors. However if you or another loved ones must absolutely go out, here are ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones from accidentally breathing in allergens when going outdoors.

Always wear a mask outside when going out. Not just any mask, mind you but those that can filter out bacteria in the air. The N95 created by 3M that is commonly used during the H1N1 outbreak is a good recommendation.

If possible, always travel by car. Wind up the windows and make sure that your cars have installed air filters in the air conditioned system. Traveling at dawn or dusk is recommended as the air quality is better. Don't eat in your car as food leftovers and crumbs are a major source of molds and bacteria.

When traveling on planes, make sure to choose planes that do not allow pets at all. Always book the first flight of the day as the plane is freshly cleaned. If your financial situation allows it, upgrade to business class. Economy class use fabric seats, which is a place where dust mites can easily thrive. Business class often use leather seat which is less susceptible to allergens.

One main common allergen is outside pollens. These allergens are seasonal and vary throughout the year. Pollens start to appear when the spring season arrives and flowers begins to bloom. If you have medication like inhaled corticosteroid, make sure to follow your doctor prescribed course instruction. Avoid flowery areas like parks or any known area that you know have many flowers.

Mold spores are more common during warmer temperature, especially during summer. They can also thrive on wet or dry days. One mold called Fusarium mold is found abundantly in plants and thrives in hot and humid condition. Some can be found in soil and dead leaves. Make sure that you constantly lawn your grass and rake in your leaves.

In our rapidly developing world, industrialization and farming have significantly increase air pollution levels since the start of the 20th century. One main culprit among these air pollutants is sulfur dioxide. These can be found in high amount at steel mills and power plants. Attempt to avoid walking through these areas. If you happen to live near such areas, consider moving to another place.

Reducing allergens is the first step to controlling your asthma symptoms. It is possible for an asthmatic person to lead a normal life, provided that environmental condition are correct.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Curing Your Asthma Naturally With These 4 Simple Home Remedies

Natural Remedies has been around for a long time and they have become increasingly popular among American folks today. How natural remedies help the human body is to take advantage of the body's natural healing process and boost overall health. It offers an alternative approach to prescribed medication which can have undesirable side effects.

However, this does not mean that natural remedies do not have any side effect. They still have side effects and it is highly recommended that you check with your family doctor or qualified pharmacist before you begin to start on any herbal remedies regime. There is a huge selection of natural remedies out there in the market that you can choose from. I'll start with two famous natural food.


Pineapple is a good tropical fruit when it comes to asthma relief. Pineapple contains a nutrient called Bromelain that comes from pineapple stems helps to absorb quercetin better. Quercetin a natural antihistamine helps to stabilize mast cells and prevents the release of histamines that caused inflammation in our body.

Coldwater fish cod

Coldwater fish like cod, mackerel and herring are also good natural anti-inflammatory agents as well. They contain omega 3 fatty acids, the nutrient many women on supplements are often raving about. You can find omega 3 fatty acids in flax seed oil too. Omega 3 fatty acids help asthma by improving the forced expiratory volume for asthmatic. You breathe a lot easier with higher FEV.

Now let's turn to herbal remedies. Herbal remedies that improve asthma are those that have anti-inflammatory properties. One very good example will be licorice. Licorice contains an ingredient called glycyrrhizin that helps to soothe asthma symptoms. However, do take note that licorice can increase blood pressure, so it a huge no for those suffering from hypertension and for those who don't to take it in moderation.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is another natural remedy that can improve mental sharpness is also found to be able to reduce the occurrence of asthma symptoms. Another plant extract called Pycnogenol. This extract is especially most suitable for kids and teenagers, people that are still in their growing years. This extract has been shown to ease mild to moderate asthma due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Bach Flower

One flower called Bach Flower is effective in managing stress. If stress has been causing your asthma, then this is the natural remedy for you. To use this flower, just put 4 drops of the flower extract into a 1-ounce bottle filled with spring water that is three quarter full. If you want to, you can always add apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin as a preservative.

Consume the water four times daily at regular interval. A good time to take the water will be in the morning right after you wake up, during lunch, another at tea break and finally the last one before you sleep. If you find the taste unbearable, you may choose to just moisturize the water on your lips.

Of course, that is not all the natural remedies out there. There are even more than I can mention on this article. Just take note to always consult a professional before trying any new herbal remedies because not all remedies is safe for consumption.

Monday, October 26, 2015

How To Live With Adult Asthma With A Good Management Plan

Learning to live with adult asthma is a daily routine for millions of people worldwide but do you know, it doesn't haven't to interfere with your quality of life. There is no cure for asthma. Avoiding certain triggers can be tricky at times but it does not have to be impossible.

Identifying Asthma Triggers

By knowing what triggers an adult asthma attack, sufferers usually go to great lengths to avoid them. In extreme cases, some have even moved away from a particular area because of the effects of pollen or industrial pollution. Here is a shortlist of common adult asthma triggers:

- Animal hair, particularly cats and dogs

- House dust and dust mites

- Pollen

- Household mold such as the type that can gather in bathrooms and kitchens

- Cold air or extreme areas of cold, wet, dry or hot

- Illnesses such as colds and flus

- Air pollution including industrial and cigarette smoke

That is just a shortlist so if you are a non asthmatic and you are reading this you are probably thinking there are not too many places on this planet adult asthma sufferers can retreat to, to avoid triggers. You're right but avoiding asthma attack is all about good management practices.

Adult Asthma Management

A visit to your health physician for the sole purpose of completing a checklist with him/her is part of the asthma management process. Why would you visit your health physician as an adult asthma sufferer when you know you have asthma? If you suffer from frequent episodes then obviously something is triggering these attacks. Completing a checklist, will in all probability identify an area or object that may be responsible.

Adult Asthma Checklist Triggers

It's important not to leave "any stone unturned" when going over your checklist. Here are possible points to bring up in your discussion:

- Do you have pets? Do you find your symptoms are worse when you are around them? Next time you are away from your home for any length of time try to recognize if your symptoms improve.

- Do certain times of the year cause you more distress than others. For example, is winter a bad time for symptoms or do you find spring time when there is more pollen in the air causes your symptoms to worsen.

- Are there any areas in your house you go to that seem to worsen your asthma symptoms? Do you have a damp basement or does visiting the bathroom for any length of time bring on symptoms?

- Do your symptoms worsen by simply walking through your garden or is there a particular variety of plant that seems to always be a factor when determining what brought on any form of adult asthma attack you may have suffered.

A shortlist such as the one listed is only a guide. Yours will be more comprehensive and remember not to leave out anything. Your doctor can then discuss and assess these points and help come up with a adult asthma management plan to help suit your lifestyle.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Exercise-Induced Asthma - But I Love Exercise and Don't Want to Stop!

There is no need for exercise-induced Asthma to stop all your activities. But which exercises can an Asthma Sufferer safely enjoy? With a bit of common sense there is still plenty of time for fun even with asthma.

Traditionally, anyone with asthma, child or adult, was usually advised never to exercise. Not a whole lot of fun for school children with asthma - sitting on the sidelines while their asthma-free friends played energetic games, laughing and having fun. New studies reveal that while in some cases exercise does induce asthma, there is no need for a blanket ban.

When playing sports or doing any strenuous exercise, breathing changes. It becomes deeper and more rapid causing cold air to enter your lungs at a faster pace. This tends to dry up the airways and make them cooler so when this happens to a person who is prone to asthma, an allergic reaction takes place. Running outside on a cool day would induce an asthma attack in a susceptible person. So, maybe running is not a great idea, especially in winter, but swimming can be ideal exercise as it rarely poses a risk of bringing on an asthma attack. If you plan on using a public swimming pool, go easy the first time in case you react to chlorinated water.

Exercise is important for general well being, but asthma sufferers should make a point of exercising even more than non-asthmatic people. It is to your advantage to have the strong lungs and muscles that develop with exercise. Get to know your triggers - you may not be affected by cold air at all. If you are, there is still no reason why you cannot exercise and have a normal, healthy body, simply use a more suitable form of exercise. Always make sure you know what to do in the event of an unexpected attack.

If running is your favourite form of exercise, but find it frequently induces an asthma attack when you go out, try an indoor treadmill instead. The nice warm gym is much more user-friendly than the cold out-doors on a winters morning. Research indicates that the period of time spent exercising is a factor to consider. Six minutes seems to be the pivotal point for an exercise-induced asthma attack to come on, so take a break within that time, and choose your exercise carefully. If you enjoy team sports, soccer or American football would probably be quite suitable. Games where you slow down in between short, quick burst of speed are ideal as they help build up your breathing muscles.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

One of the Best Alternative Asthma Treatments?

Did you know that breathing exercises could work as alternative asthma treatments? Several exercises were found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of asthma and it could also contribute to a lower dose of medication.

What is asthma in the first place? Asthma is a chronic lung condition that causes difficulty in breathing. When left untreated, asthma can be fatal. It is important for asthma to be properly diagnosed by a doctor and its treatment needs to be supervised. Medications like bronchodilators are often given to asthma patients to relieve symptoms such as wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath but natural alternative asthma treatments can also be a big help.

There are actually many alternative asthma treatments available. These include diet modification, acupuncture, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, vitamin and mineral supplementation, and herbal remedies. Breathing exercises are among the alternative asthma treatments that are considered both safe and effective.

In asthma, patients experience difficulty in breathing. This exercises are aimed to relax the chest muscles and to teach the right way of breathing, focusing more on the abdomen and the diaphragm rather than on the muscles of the chest. It also helps asthma patients focus more on breathing out or exhalation especially at the onset of an attack.

Here are three examples of breathing exercises that may be used by asthmatic patients.


Pranayama refers to the breathing exercises used during yoga. Studies show that constant practice of yoga postures and breathing techniques helped increase the airflow in the lungs and improve air capacity which led to a reduction both in the frequency and intensity of the asthma attacks. There was also a lesser need for medications.

There are basically 8 types of pranayama and which exercise to be done is based on what triggered the asthma attack. For example, ujjayi pranayama is done for asthma triggered by cold air while shitali pranayama is for asthma triggered by allergies. Exercises should always be done under the supervision of a yoga therapist.


Another exercise is the Buteyko technique. It helps regulate breathing patterns to avoid hyperventilation during asthma attacks. Advice is also given about reducing stress, proper nutrition, medication, and general health. Buteyko technique is known to reduce asthma attacks, make breathing easier, and make one less dependent on medications.


Another breathing exercise is the Papworth method. It emphasizes the importance of using nose breathing as well as development of breathing patterns adaptable to one's current activity. It also involves diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques.

Friday, October 23, 2015

This Breathing Method Actually Improved My Asthma! Finally Something That Works

They say that the treatment for asthma is easy, simple and effective. All you need to do is to take steroids to suppress any inflammation of the airways. This is also referred to as preventer. Then if and when you have an asthma attack all you need to do is inhale what's known as a muscle relaxant, commonly termed ventolin via an inhaler or a spacer. This helps to dilate the airways. What could be more simple?

However, there is now perhaps a better and safer way of treating your asthma or your child's asthma than previously thought. While there is no doubt that these drugs work and I am not suggesting that you dump your medication altogether, what I am however suggesting is that perhaps it's time we all considered a safe and effective alternative, known as the Buteyko method.

Buteyko is all about learning to breathe properly and learning how to control your breathing in order to better control and manage your asthma. While it may not improve your lung function or the inflammation that accompanies asthma it can definitely help asthmatics to cut down on their asthma medication if it is taught properly.

Buteyko was developed some 40 years ago by a Russian doctor called Konstantin Buteyko and it is all about nasal breathe and learning how to breathe out more carbon dioxide and take in less air. While many of us are lead to believe that we are oxygen deprived the truth is that we take in more than enough oxygen, it's just that we are not taught how to use that oxygen effectively. Hence, the sole purpose of the Buteyko method of breathing.

The Buteyko method is more about slow and shallow breathing and learning to calm and control your breath, rather than many slow deep breaths.

Through the Buteyko method you learn to properly breathe through your nose rather than your mouth. Because your nose acts like a filter, you are less likely to breathe in as many pollutants and dust that can affect ones asthma. When you breathe through the mouth you are basically catching all the little germs and particles that are floating around you, whereas the nose prevents some of these little 'nasties' from getting into your airways and therefore allowing your lungs to fill up with healthier and cleaner air.

In terms of asthma there is often some trigger or precipitating factor that causes inflammation of the lining of the airways causing the surrounding muscles to go into spasm, often resulting in the characteristic wheeze. The wheeze that doctors often look for and listen too to determine if you are an asthma sufferer or not. However I know many of us who either have never had a wheeze or who don't have one during peak asthma periods but still we are clearly asthmatic.

The primary goal of Buteyko is to help one learn to control their asthma by learning how to relax more and experience less stress that can help to bring on or worsen the conditions of an asthma attack. Buteyko can help people who suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties to suffer from fewer symptoms than they have previously.

There are a few different techniques associated with Buteyko. One technique was all about shallow, nasal breathing and then exhaling slowly while another technique was more about relaxation and exercises for the upper body. Both of these techniques are said to be instrumental in helping people to reduce their asthma medication and to breathe more normally and therefore live a healthier and less dependent life on medication.

For the record I have started practicing some of the Buteyko method of breathing. All I have been doing so far is breathing in and out of my nose as much and as I can as slowly as I can. Can I just say that already it has made a big difference to my asthma and I have noticed that the times where I would normally feel over exerted, I have been able to achieve a lot more because I am no longer gasping for air like I have previously. Also in terms of things like cleaning, driving in the car or even cooking, I have noticed I am taking in less chemical or air pollutants and therefore am not reaching for my ventolin anywhere near as much as before. I am now getting more of the good smells in and less of the bad ones-now that sounds like a healthy change to me.

This new method of breathing is helping me every single day,. The weather lately has been hot and windy and unbearable and unlike previously I am probably now using my ventolin every second or third day during these conditions as opposed to 3-4 times a day. It has helped me and it also helps to keep me a little more calm and not too panic as much when I feel the asthma coming on. My nose and my lungs feel cleaner and I feel as if I am in greater control of my asthma instead of always having to rely on my medication or rush off to the doctor.

This breathing method has helped me enormously and even though I haven't given up my medication I have been able to reduce the amount I use and that for me is a big step in the right direction.

Anyway as much as I can I intend to continue practicing Buteyko method of breathing so that I can continue to improve my asthma and hopefully continue to reduce the amount of asthma medication that I rely on. Now what could be better than learning to breathe easier and more naturally for an asthmatic?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cure Asthma With the Help of Home Remedies

Globalization and industrialization have raised the life standard of a common man but at the other end it has badly deteriorated environmental and climate conditions. So, asthma is actually a repercussion of rapidly prevailing industrialization and globalization. Mostly adolescents and children have been seen quite prone towards the disease 'asthma'. Probably, the reason would be weak resistance power.

Primarily, it affects our respiratory system and becomes the reason for inflammation in bronchi and bronchioles. A special type of chemical releases due to inflammation and it constricts the entrances of the lung tissue. Hence, coughing sound may produce along with wheezing. Asthma allergy is a genetic problem as well. So, if your parents have asthma then you may also have chances. Let's have a look upon few home remedies for effective asthma treatment.

o One should take before sleeping, 'half tablespoon of cinnamon powder along with a tablespoon of honey'.

o Eight to ten cloves of boiled garlic in half a cup of milk before sleeping also can be quite effective asthma medication.

o Figs are also quite popular home remedy. One should take three-four dry figs with water and drench them in a cup of water and consume in empty stomach.

o A cup of water with soaking one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds during the night enhances your asthmatic resistance power.

o Paste of bitter gourd roots along with identical amount of honey or juice of tulsi leaves is also instant curing asthma treatment solution.

o Two times daily doses of steamed ginger tea with garlic cloves may be an unusual sort of asthma treatment solution but it is an old well known home remedy.

o Another old asthma home remedy is the breathing of steam of ajwain and boiling water. One can drink it as well along with one teaspoonful honey twice or thrice daily.

Besides all above mentioned remedies, there are countless many more. For instance, one can soak dry grapes in water whole night and then keep them in cold milk at least for thirty minutes and chew them.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

3 Important Steps to Take When Your Child is Having an Asthma Attack

First, use asthma medication correctly. Medication only works if taken at the right times and in the right amounts. If your child has had an attack after taking medication he may have lost faith in it. Help him by cultivating a routine in which he takes his preventive medication, if prescribed, just before he brushes his teeth.

Relievers, the drugs that alleviate asthmatic symptoms, also need to be used properly. They should be accessible to your child at all times and he needs to understand that he should turn to them as his first, rather than a last resort. It is also important not to overuse or abuse relievers and to watch his response carefully. If it is poor or lasts less than four hours, seek medical help without delay.

Second, know when to get medical help. However, efficiently you both manage to control your child's asthma there will probably still be times when he needs medical attention. While it is important not to show fear to your child, you may become worse if you do, or to overreact to his symptoms, it is essential to heed warning signs and to act promptly.

If your child has been hospitalized before, he may try to avoid it happening again, and so conceal the seriousness of the attack, but you must be objective. If his usual medication has not given any significant relief at the start of an attack, it is not likely to do so later. It is vital that your child's medication should be accessible at all times, but if he does come into contact with triggers that have caused an attack before and does not have his medication with him, contact your doctor straight away.

Plan ahead. If you receive a telephone call from your child's school to say he is unwell from asthma, telephone your doctor's surgery before you leave to collect him. Do not be afraid to insist that your child needs immediate attention; a child having an asthma attack is a priority.

Third, pass on information. As your child grows up, he will gradually become more independent and start to take more responsibility for his condition. The more he knows and the more confident he feels, the easier this will be.

It is more difficult for a child to make himself heard than it is for an adult, but he will stand a much better chance if it is apparent that he understands his asthma and knows what needs to be done. But take care not to alarm your child; your aim is to educate him about his asthma without making him afraid of his condition.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Treating Children With Asthma

Asthma attacks can happen almost at any time, and with young Children they will always need special treatment. Having had my own Son who's Asthma was very bad when he was little, I do understand just how bad things can be. There's no set pattern of just when they're going happen, or in the severity of the attack.

After doing several articles on different ailments I began to get a picture about natural cures, and the treatment for these different ailments. This picture was becoming quite clear that it's our diet that causes the breakdown in our bodies natural defense system, which causes the attacks in the first place. In the treatment of children with asthma it can be very difficult, as the each age of the child would mean a different types of food as the child grows from a baby.

For the best start for any baby would be it's Mothers own milk, but if the Mother has not had a good staple diet she could pass on all manner of toxins to the baby. If she was slightly over weight all manner of pollution and toxins could be in her body stored in her fat. But on the other hand if the Mothers has been on the right type of foods, and was totally free of toxins the baby would have a better start in life. Silly as it may seem this would be a treatment for the child itself.

I should explain at this point that it has been proved by Medical research that the food we eat has a direct result on how our body performs health wise. Some foods have an acidic level that remains in the fat we have on our bodies, and this then attacks the good cells that are needed to repair damaged cells. Perhaps I should explain at this point what acidic foods are, as compared to alkaline. Things like meat are very acidic although I know that this can be a hard thing to give up. Sugar and sugar products like chocolate, and heavy carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and rice. On the other hand things like fresh fruit, and vegetables can equalise the balance. I'm not saying that you should stick to just fruit and vegetables as I'm sure it this would be a very hard thing to do.

Going back to Asthma, and on the the onset of an Asthma attack in an adult is something that most adults take in their stride. They know that this has happened several times before, and with the right medication they can get some form of relief. By this I'm not saying that the adult doesn't worry about an attack, as I'm sure he does. Each attack is different with its severity and duration. But the patient does have the knowledge of what is going on, and he does have the knowledge that he can resolve the discomfort of feeling wheezy.

But in a child this is different. If it's their first attack it's probably something they don't understand. In a very young child who can't communicate you can imagine what goes through his or her mind. Their little heart would be working probably twice as fast, and if you've ever heard a young child fighting for his breath you would know what I'm saying.

Food for a young child can be difficult, especially if you have to prepare each single meal yourself. The baby food off the shelf in your Supermarket, or whatever shop from is convenient, but please bare in mind the amount of preservative that is in them. So by producing the individual meals yourself your child would stand a better chance of fighting off disease, as his body would then be producing the right type of cells to prevent attacks.

As the child gets older the parent would get into a routine of training the child to take his or her inhalers so the child begins to understand that this is something that needs to be done every day. From this point the child would then recognise when he or she begins to get wheezy, and that by going to his or her parents they know that by having their inhalers they start to feel better.

I can remember quite clearly about my own Son when he was little on how we had to make the trip to the Asthma Clinic on Great Charles Street in Birmingham, and how we would have to park down at Snow Hill station. From this point the walk up to the Clinic was quite a climb, which left me out of breath never mind my Son who was the Asthmatic.

Once you start going to places like that your child will know that there's something different about them compared to other children, which can cause a stigma in their mind. From my own point of view it was nice knowing that he was getting the best attention he could have, especially when you could narrow it down knowing what allergies affected him, and how you could avoid them.

Understanding Asthma as a parent is an ongoing thing, and once you're under the wing of a good Doctor, or Specialist it's very comforting to say the least, and is highly recommended as they know and understand what causes attacks, and then the best way forward for relief. At this point don't be shy to ask your Doctor or Specialist about your child's food, as more and more of them are Nutritionists.

Summing up I would say that the Medical profession has come on in leaps and bounds with the regard to helping Asthma in Children. As an adult you understand more of what types of help there is available. Whether this comes in the form of diet, or breathing control this will be down to the individual, but for Children and especially young Children your Chest Specialist will be your best friend at understanding what's best for your child.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Get Your Asthma Under Control

INTRODUCTION In 1991 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) first released their expert guidelines for asthma care. Few physicians properly follow these guidelines (or their updates) in fact even many "asthma specialists" do a less than perfect job of delivering appropriate care to control asthma. In a family care setting the situation usually becomes even worse. This might be due to a number of factors, the physician: may not know the guidelines, may not understand the guidelines or may feel the guidelines do not apply to their patients. Problems with asthma control result in over one million U.S. emergency room visits every year and the situation is not improving!

THE PROBLEM Appropriate asthma management involves a number of components primarily: preventing/controlling airway inflammation and preventing/controlling airway constriction. Historically only the second component was considered but since 1991 it has been well documented that controlling the inflammation within the respiratory system is equally important in slowing the progression of the disease. In fact, the idea of asthma causing progressive changes to the lungs known as airway remodeling is foreign to many physicians.

GET INVOLVED Although short acting inhalers such as albuterol are needed by all levels of asthma patients for occasional symptomatic relief, patients that are only being treated with an albuterol inhaler probably are not receiving adequate therapy, an exception to this might be exercise induced asthma that often can be controlled with a short acting inhaler. The concept of "no wheeze means no disease" needs to be discarded once and for all! There are a variety of medications that can be used in many combinations for asthma control. A physician properly following the guidelines will be able to correctly identify the appropriate combination of asthma medications for you or your family member. Medications may need to be both increased and decreased over time to maximize asthma control and minimize side effects. Drug therapy for asthma is definitely not 'one size fits all' in fact it needs to be very specifically tailored to your specific condition at any given time. There may not be just one correct therapy choice for you but on the other hand there are certainly a lot of wrong choices that your health care provider can make. Learn as much as you can about what is currently considered 'state of the art' asthma care and don't be afraid to share what you learn with your physician. Be your own health advocate silence can cost you your health! You have nothing to lose and much to gain be becoming involved in your own care plan. Knowledge is power!

PEAK FLOW METERS Every asthmatic should have and know how to properly use a peak flow meter. Peak flow meters are very much underused! Changes in the results when using a peak flow meter can occur many days prior to a patient being able to detect a worsening condition thereby allowing time to adjust the therapy to possibly prevent an exacerbation or attack. You may be able to set up a program with your physician whereby you will adjust your medications based on peak flow reading and even begin a short course of steroids such as prednisone if the readings warrant this (you would report starting the medication to your doctor but you would not wait for the physicians OK before beginning it- thereby saving precious time in getting your attack under control). One problem that we have seen with peak flow meter training is very simple but critical: you must be standing (unless unable) to properly do the test. A peak flow reading taken while seated is going to be inaccurate!

Although as current and accurate as possible, the information contained in this article or provided to you by the author in an email or other manner, may not relate to your particular medical condition and is not intended to be used in the diagnosis or treatment of any specific medical condition. Always refer to your healthcare provider before making any changes in your medications or any other aspect of your treatment plan.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The True Cause Of Allergies - It's In The Liver

I used to be allergic and asthmatic. Allergy shots and allergy treatments from age 6 to age 16 made me into a spacey human pin cushion. Inhalers and medications were kept in every corner of my life. I remember going to the emergency room one Christmas Eve for adrenaline. My asthma was life-threatening at times.

I asked every Doctor I was sent to:

"Why is it dogs and cats make me sneeze and wheeze, but it doesn't make my best friend sneeze and wheeze? What's the difference between us?

When the experts couldn't answer I kept asking myself that question. Even my more basic question went unanswered:

If medication gives my body what is missing, why is it my body can't do the same?

Fortunately I was too young to listen to authority figures and entered a search for a cause, and a cure. I started to take herbs, vitamins, and anything that offered a ray of hope.

After many failed herb, vitamin, and natural experiments I got lucky....

In 1977, at the age of 19 I was introduced to a Doctor in Utah by an older friend who was interested in nutrition. This man was said to be a premier Biochemist, Herbalist and Healer. Hundreds of people followed the guy around, and although he was criticized by those wanting to discredit him I spoke with many, many people who had experienced tremendous health benefits.

When I met "Doc" he told me the following:

There are three things causing your allergies:

#1 Your Liver is overproducing histamines because it has too many toxins

#2 Your thyroid is low, and that sets the rate of the liver

#3 Your adrenal glands and lungs are weak (that was no surprise to me but until then I didn't know what to do)

This made total sense because:

I knew about "anti-histamines" because I had taken them to stop allergic responses

One of my symptoms - hard to wake up in the morning - matched the low thyroid symptoms.

My inhaler at the time was epinephrine - an adrenaline-like substance

Within 3 months of being treated with herbs he gave me to detox my liver, and herbs/nutrients to build my lungs and support my adrenal and thyroid, I was allergy and asthma free. That was 30 years ago, and I have been allergy/asthma free ever since.

(I'll say this to keep myself out of jail- take your medication until your doctor tells you otherwise, and/or if you decide to find a natural cure as I did. Be advised that you'll meet a lot of resistance from Doctors and even many asthmatics who believe natural cures are impossible. Sad, but true.)

Here's The Picture:

The Liver has to process toxins and when it can't do it's job it stores them. If it stores them it also produces additional histamines to protect itself. If an allergen is present the brain sends a message ;"Send out a few histamines! I think there's an invader!!" and the Liver proceeds it releases too many, and you have the allergic response - hives, asthma, sneezing, etc..

Cleanse the Liver and maybe, like me, you'll become allergy/asthma free.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Teens 6 Pack Abs - 4 Tips On How Teens Can Achieve A Great Looking Tummy

Having the perfect tummy is what most self conscious teens want in today's society. Whether its because they are a little over weight and want to lose a few pounds, or whether its because they want to achieve and maintain a fit and healthy body, teens with 6 pack abs are conscious about having this type of asset. In this article, I will discuss some of the more important exercises and tips for teens to achieve their goal in getting that perfect tummy.

There are many methods in which teens can achieve this goal. Some methods will suit you and some will not. It is simple a case of trying these methods to seeing what works best for you.

Below is an exercise and some tips to try out for yourself.

1. Crunches -

This is probably the more common exercise you will come across when looking to get 6 pack abs. This is what you need to do. First, you need to lie down on the floor with your finger tips touching the temple section of your head. Then as you breath in, left your shoulder and upper back towards your legs about 6 inches off the floor. You will feel an uncomfortable tightening on your stomach area. This is your abdominal muscles area getting exercised. Then breath out as you slowly bring your upper back and shoulder to the position you originally had them

Repeat this exercise a number of times until you feel the need to stop and take a break. I would suggest that for your first attempt, that you aim for 10 repeats in one session before you take a break. Then you can repeat that session 10 times with little intervals between each one. If you achieve this, you will have done 100 crunches! This will normally take anywhere between 20-30 minutes depending on the persons current level of fitness. This is a great exercise and by doing this alone will help you achieve a 6 pack.

2. Try not to eat bad fats -

Eating the wrong kind of fatty food will seriously have a bad affect on all of your hard work from

the crunches you have been exercising with. We need fats to stay alive, but there is big difference

between good fats and bad fats. If you want to maintain the six pack you work hard on, you need to make sure that you are not eating saturated fats. Saturated fats come in all forms of fast foods like McDonald's and burger King to name a few. So beware of your intake on saturated fat. The lower the intake the better.

3. Eat more foods that contain protein -

If you are serious about building your six pack abs, you will have to eat foods that are rich in

protein. Protein is a proven muscle builder. It can be found in such foods like fish, meat and the

white part of the egg. Protein is excellent for boosting your 6 pack abs.

4. Stay clear of alcohol -

As a teen its tempting to drink alcohol! However, by doing so will damage your gut and it decreases

the time it takes for you to gain a 6 pack! You see it is impossible for your liver to metabolize fat

and alcohol at the same time. Your liver will first get rid of the toxic substance which is alcohol

first. The alcohol will hurt muscle growth and so it is a negative aspect to have if you want to

flatten your abdominal muscles. For us men, it will also lower our testosterone level also.

If you can take these tips and techniques I have shown you, you will make a good start at achieving the tummy you want. However, there is more to the puzzle, read about a professional trainer with over 13 years of experience that has help 10's of thousands of people in more and 100 countries world wide achieve the 6 six pack they have always wanted! For more info, click on the links below.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

6 Common Asthma Myths

Asthma is a widespread disease. There are many modern drugs, alternative medicines, or herbal medicines which is a division of Ayurveda, yet this disease has grown in strength over the years. However, despite this prevalence there is very little knowledge about this disease. People harbor misconceptions on asthma. Below is a list of certain myths people associate with asthma.

MYTH: Asthma is Curable

... which is virtually impossible. Asthma is a chronic and non curable disease. No herbal medicine, miraculous fish medicine, or alternative medicine can cure asthma. If you are an unfortunate asthmatic, there's no way you can get rid of this disease for the rest of your life. So, just take a deep breath and relax! Asthma might have you, but don't let asthma have you.

MYTH: Sports are a strict no-no with asthma

This is again another myth that accompanies asthma. There is no need to keep your child away from sports if your kid is asthmatic. Taking part in sports and games can neither worsen nor improve asthma. Many Olympic athletes and even swimmers were asthmatics. So, don't do all work and no play. That will make you even duller than asthma!

MYTH: My lungs can grow tough and immune to asthma attacks

If you go without medicine, you will only suffer; your asthma will not be affected in any way. Asthma occurs due to a chronic inflammation of the lungs. Not taking any medicine will worsen your conditions, and that can be fatal. There is no possibility and no medical history till date that a person's lungs have become tough due to avoidance of medicines. So, give in to the medicines but not the disease!

MYTH: Asthma is a psychological disease

NO. It is not a psychological disease and emotions or hormonal release has nothing to do with it. It is caused when the inner walls of the lungs get inflamed due to allergic reactions or excessive secretion of mucus. This can be prevented by proper medication and asthma management program.

MYTH: Asthma medicines are unsafe because of steroids

The steroids used in the asthma medicines, mostly inhalers are corticosteroids and not the high dose steroids used by athletes for sustained performance. Research has shown and medical experts have agreed that these steroids are harmless and related to those of the kind found in creams to reduce itch or inflammation of the skin.

MYTH: Everyone has the same kind of asthma

The type of asthma varies from person to person. There is no common kind of asthma like common cold or sneezing. The severity and symptoms vary between people and there can not be any common conclusion.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Natural Cures and Remedies for Asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes difficult breathing. Symptoms of asthma are caused from the constriction and tightening of muscles around the airways.

More than 22 million adults and 6 million children suffer from asthma in the United States. Every day in the United States:

40,000 people will miss school or work because of asthma.

30,000 people will have an asthma attack.

5,000 people will visit the emergency room because of their asthma.

1,000 people with asthma are admitted to the hospital.

11 people will DIE from their asthma.

There are many different types of asthma and many different triggers causing asthma attacks. While the exact cause of asthma is unknown some of the following factors may act together to cause asthma in some people.

Inherited tendency to develop allergy's.

Family history of asthma.

Contracting respiratory infections in early childhood.

Exposure to airborne allergens and viral infections in early childhood as immune system develops.

Other allergens like pet dander.

Allergic rhinitis.

Exposure to cigarette smoke.


Airway hyper-reactivity or the exaggerated airway responsiveness to various stimuli.

Asthma is often treated using natural cures and remedies. There are many herbs and natural substances that can help prevent or curb an asthma attack. Four of these natural cures for asthma are:

  1. Evening primrose oil

  2. Black seed oil

  3. Licorice root

  4. Flax seed oil.

A tea made from evening primrose oil is effective in healing asthmatic and whooping coughs. To make add 1 tsp. Dried evening primrose flowers into 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 5 minuets. Strain and add honey or stevia to sweeten. Drink this tea twice a day.

Black seed oil helps treat the symptoms of acute asthma and coughs by relaxing the bronchial muscles. To use, mix 1tsp. Black seed oil into boiling water and inhale the vapor. Do this twice a day.

The compounds found in licorice root have expectorant qualities. This makes it helpful in treating dry cough and bronchitis. The antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and demulcent property's make it useful in treating asthma. To use, shred 2 inches of root into 1 cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minuets. Strain off material and drink while warm. Do this 2-3 times a day.

Flax seed oil is considered the most important health supporting supplement next to a multi vitamin. Flax seeds are beneficial to almost every system in the body. Take 1000mg flax seed oil supplement every day to help curb asthma symptoms.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Benefits And Health Risks Of Drinking Coffee?

There are many known types of beverages in the world but there is only one drink that stands out from the rest and that is coffee. It is loved by millions worldwide and still the number one most popular morning drink. There are many known health benefits of coffee but there are also some risks if taken too much. This article will give give you the basic information about its benefits and health risks.


Coffee are rich antioxidants

If you are looking for the best health drink that contains more antioxidants, then don't look further because coffee can give you that. Brewed coffee has the same content of natural antioxidants as green tee when taken twice a day.

Prevents type 2 diabetes

Coffee is rich in natural sugar which prevents you from getting type 2 diabetes. You don't need to add additional processed sugar when preparing your cup of coffee because coffee alone has natural sugar. If you can't drink a coffee without processed sugar, make sure that you only put small quantities.

Prevents cancer

Since coffee are rich in antioxidants, it is also ideal for cancer prevention. Antioxidants fights free radicals inside the body that can cause cancer cell development. With antioxidants in coffee, the risk of cancer are greatly reduced.

Anti-depressant drink

Coffee can give mental calmness, relaxation and mental focus. It is one of the best anti-depressant drink that you can take. The freshness aroma of coffee can alter mood swings positively and helps your brain constantly alert.

Perfect for the heart

Coffee contains Tannin which are known minerals that are beneficial to cardiovascular health. This is in contrast in many beliefs that coffee is bad for people who have heart problems. Coffee is not the real reason why people suffer from various heart diseases but from many factors such as lifestyles, family history and smoking. Experts suggests that a small amount of coffee everyday can benefit the heart and definitely won't add as a factor for heart disease.

Prevents cirrhosis

Coffee are known to help prevent the development of cirrhosis of the liver. If you love your liver, then drink coffee everyday.

Prevents asthmatic attacks

Caffeine in coffee helps prevents asthmatic attacks in people with pulmonary problems. If you want good respiratory health, then coffee is the right companion for you in the morning.

Health Risks

Coffee is a certified addictive beverage

Because of the delicious taste of coffee plus its caffeine content, it gives an addictive effect. Too much consumption of coffee in a daily basis is already considered addiction.

May cause depression and nervousness

Coffee can cause depression and nervousness to individuals who are already suffering from anxiety and other mental disorders.

It can contribute to heart disease

Contrary to the benefits stated above, over consumption of coffee can highly damage your heart. Caffeine in coffee can cause faster heart beat and abnormal palpitations. Drinking coffee without control is bad for your heart.

Helps in the development of ulcers

This is a known fact to all individuals who have gastrointestinal problems. Coffee is a banned product to all ulcer sufferers. Make sure to avoid coffee if you have ulcer.

These are the benefits and the risks of drinking coffee. Based on this data, coffee is beneficial if you take it in moderation but may give health problems if abused. So make sure to drink coffee in moderation and avoid over consumption.

Friday, October 9, 2015

How to Control Asthma Attacks

Asthma is a very serious illness. As a person diagnosed with moderate-persistent asthma, I know how it feels to try to catch your breath and cough at the same time. I am also aware of how embarrassing having an attack is. If you are asthmatic, or know someone who has asthma, continue reading.

Although the cure is yet to be discovered, asthma attacks are very much controllable. Just follow these tips:

1. Consult your doctor for preventive medicines

This is the most important. Technology has given asthmatics the chance to live normal lifestyles by inventing drugs. I cannot recommend a drug for you to use, because it has to be tailored to each individual. Besides, you need a prescription.

2. Ask a lot of questions to your doctor.

Do your research. Your doctor will not fully give you what you need to know unless you start asking. Ask what this medicine does, or what you should do, or what you should avoid. Again, ask questions. Don't worry about being annoying, you're paying them for their advices!

3. Avoid your asthma triggers.

Asthma triggers are the objects that cause you to have an attack. They could be animal hair or feathers, dust or pollen. They can also be specific food or drugs. Stress and certain diseases like cough or colds also cause you to have an attack. The key is to identify what causes your attacks and avoid them.

4. Strengthen your immune system.

I should also stress the importance of strengthening your immune system. Because asthma is also triggered by stress and certain illnesses, you should stop getting sick and start being healthy. Exercise and eat healthful foods.

5. Explore alternatives

Researches say that yoga and pilates can reduce the episodes of asthma attack. Also the Buteyko method of breathing is reported to reduce asthma attacks.

6. Be responsible.

It is your disease and it is only you who can control it. Follow the advices above, be vigilant, and do research!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Knowing the Pathophysiology of Asthma For Its Prevention

Knowing the pathophysiology of asthma can greatly help patients prevent the frequent attacks of asthma.

One of the most persistent respiratory problems, asthma is characterized by frequent episodes of breathlessness and coughing that ranges from being mild to life-threatening. There is no known cure for this disease.

What is the pathophysiology of asthma?

A lot of factors may cause asthma. The ones that play the most important roles in this diseases' development are allergy or hypersensitivity, excess secretion of mucus, bronchial spasm and inflammation of the airways.

Hypersensitivity of the airways means that the bronchial tubes react severely to allergens where this exaggerated reaction can lead to suffocation and coughing. Allergy is the body's hypersensitivity to some external material. A lot of asthma patients have some types of allergies that trigger the inflammation process.

Hyper-responsiveness to irritants also causes the bronchial system to secrete excessive mucus that floods the airways. Too much mucus blocks the airways making it difficult to breathe.

Bronchospasm or the spasms of the muscle layers in the bronchial walls make matters worse.

What are the precipitating & triggering events?

Asthmatic attack is often triggered by prolonged exposure to allergens. It may also be triggered by an attack of flu or a respiratory infection. Other factors include smoking, obesity, temperature changes and air pollution.

Other factors that can contribute include smoking, air pollution and excessive weight.

The pathophysiology of asthma involves an error in the body's response to external matters and the presence of known triggers. Genetic factors also play a role.

To deal with asthma in a realistic way, one must learn how it happens and what necessary precautions must be taken.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Foods That Help Asthma - Man Made Asthma

Many people who have asthma can drastically reduce their asthma and the wheeziness of their chest by simply following the correct diet. This is only possible if you have a natural diet. Many asthmatics eat a lot of diary and also crave chocolates. Chocolate cravings are usually caused through magnesium deficiency and you can simply correct this by taking magnesium supplements, this will help your chocolate addiction and also ease your asthma.

If you do suffer from asthma, then be sure to cut us much processed foods out of your diet as possible. Stress is a leading cause of asthma and is usually caused through improper diet. Stress, diary products and chocolate all cause you to breathe more and as an asthmatic you should reduce your breathing and avoid anything which will change the amount of volume of air that you breathe in on a regular basis.

One super food that you should consider to be part of your daily diet are dates. Dates have been proven to help many diseases over the years and also help those who suffer from many of the other respiratory diseases out there. You should try eat as much raw fruit and vegetables as possible. Not only for the nutritional aspect but also because when you eat a rich raw food diet you increase your immune system which prevents you from getting ill and helps keep allergies at bay but the most important aspect of eating raw unprocessed food is that it helps keep your weight down and also helps you lose weight.

Honey and ginger throughout the ages has also helped people in the far east ease their asthma, you could add it to some warm water and drink it 2-3 hours before you sleep. This will help you breathe in through your nose and also help you sleep better at night.

I mentioned that asthmatics breathe heavier and larger volumes of air when compared to non-asthmatics, the reason asthma is on the rise has got to do with processed foods which is also why there is such a high rate of obesity around these days. When you are overweight you cannot breathe properly the extra fat on your diaphragm restricts your breathing causing you to breathe through your mouth which increases the amount of oxygen you intake this combined with being asthmatic is deadly.

The worst part is that you will find that you need to use two types of inhalers which are the reliever and the preventer asthma medication which is the worst thing you could land up on due to a threefold increase in you dying and also landing up in hospital.

You should on a regular basis exercise, eat plenty of raw food (fruit/vegetables) and consider adding dates to your diet.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Home Care For Bedridden Seniors

Many Raleigh, Cary and Durham, NC families are looking to home care to ensure elderly loved ones are well cared for during those times when they are particularly fragile. "Aging in place" is becoming a popular alternative to elderly folks having to relocate to a nursing facility, especially if they are confined to their beds. Home care providers can help the patient manage their needs in their own setting, where they are familiar with their surroundings and comfortable in their home environments.

The term "home care", Raleigh NC locals must realize, can encompass many different services. Such services range from helping with cleaning, cooking, and shopping, to caring for patients with feeding tubes, oxygen machines, and catheters. Bedridden seniors, whether they are in that state temporarily or for the long term, can really benefit from the kind of help a home caregiver can provide.

Being bedridden is hard enough without having to spend all that time in a hospital. Having an opportunity to heal at home, in contrast, is much more comfortable and pleasant for most bedridden patients. By finding a trusted professional to provide at-home senior care, Durham area families can rest assured that their bedridden loved ones will receive the personal care and attention they regularly need. Any equipment that is needed outside of what is already in the home - a special bed, a portable commode, oxygen machines, etc. - can be rented from a medical supply company.

There are some basic guidelines that home care providers should be following when it comes to caring for those who are confined to their beds. The caregiver should:

o make the patient feel comfortable, safe, and clean at all times.

o eliminate boredom with reading materials, TV, radio, puzzles, card games, visitors and good conversation.

o provide good support for the patient's back and something to brace and/or elevate their feet.

o move the patient regularly if they are unable to do so on their own. This is very important for preventing bed sores in bedridden patients.

o feed the patient a balanced diet, paying attention to doctor's orders for any dietary restrictions.

o make sure the patient has plenty of fluids throughout the day and healthy snacks when they are hungry, unless otherwise instructed by the doctor.

o change the bed sheets every few days and whenever they are soiled.

Be sure to research the costs and range of services made available by senior care agencies in your area. Always make sure that providers of home care, Cary, Raleigh or wherever you are located, are bonded and the agency you hire them through has workers' compensation coverage. If not, check to see that your homeowner's insurance is adequate.

While nursing facilities are typically less costly than home-based senior care for bedridden patients needing a round-the-clock provider, preserving the quality of life of the patient and peace and mind of the family may be well worth the added cost. Families can always make other arrangements if more complex care is needed.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Treating Asthma and Allergies Naturally

Asthma and Allergies Changes in the air For many people, especially children, drugs such as bronchodilators and nebulisers are a familiar part of life well before their 3rd birthday.

Autumn is not often thought of as a time for asthma and allergies; however any change in season and especially colder temperatures can set them off.

Most people are well aware of the symptoms of asthma - a wheeze and/or cough accompanied by varying degrees of breathing difficulty. Sometimes, particularly in very young children, there is no audible wheeze just a nagging but exhausting cough. Some children will cough so much that it causes them to vomit. It's important to note that a wheeze doesn't have to be loud to be a problem. Tiredness is also often an underlying symptom - this is caused by reduced oxygen levels and the extra effort needed in trying to breathe, which can also lead to poor sleep.

Some asthma triggers include:

  • Dust, pollen, dry air, air pollution, allergens, mould, pets, exercise and weather change

  • House air-conditioning, household chemicals, colds/flu's, emotions, food, heating, hormones, medications, sex, smoking and stressful events

  • Preservatives, especially 220, 221, 222, 223 and 224, tartrazine, colourings, additives etc

So what's actually happening? Asthma occurs when a particular part of our immune system is out of balance. Our immune system is designed to protect us from infections and keep us healthy. Allergy occurs when your immune system mistakes something that is normally harmless as being a threat and while 'protecting' you from it, creates a strong inflammatory response. This response is what produces the symptoms you experience as an allergic or asthmatic response. In asthma this inflammation presents as difficulty in breathing.

So what can we do about it? When treating asthma it's not simply about using a band-aid solution and ignoring the underlying problem. It's about finding out why your body is triggering a response and how to avoid this happening in the first place. It is a common misconception that this problem begins and ends with the lungs alone. The health of the body in general, and in particular the immune system, needs to be looked at as the first step in understanding the real nature of asthma.

How natural therapies can help... Natural therapies works extremely well on a preventative level with absolutely no side effects except effective asthma management and a healthier you! We build up your immune system and gastrointestinal system (GIT) to prevent the attacks happening in the first place! Having a strong and healthy GIT full of good gut bacteria (probiotics) and a lesser controlled amount of 'bad' bacteria, as well as a healthy bowel lining will prevent many triggers being able to cause a reaction. A first line of defence against asthma and allergies is to detoxify and repair your bowels, cleanse your blood and get that liver detoxing your body from harmful toxins! Get yourself clean and stay that way!

There is a very unattractive term us natural practitioners use called 'leaky gut' sounds gross, well it is. This sounds like something is leaking out of the gut and it is - harmful and harmless substances are leaking through your gut lining, into your blood stream, without being converted into compounds your body can actually utilise for better health. When your immune system picks up these unconverted foreign particles it mounts a very strong immune response showing itself as either an allergic reaction or an asthmatic reaction.

Babies and children... One of the most important reasons that you breastfeed your child for at least the first 6 months of the child's life is because of the benefits of your colostrum. This amazing superfood helps build the babies immune and digestive system. If you cannot breastfeed I highly recommend using goat or sheep's milk formulas, and a good quality children's probiotic, which are readily available at natural health food stores. Our bodies have a much easier time digesting the proteins in the goat and sheep's milk than from a cow - simple!

In terms of children with asthma their little bodies may not have a strong enough immune or digestive system to correctly respond to allergens, certain foods and food additives - which if we're being honest we too frequently allow into children's diets. Many children also have a hard time digesting dairy and wheat, and these are 2 very common triggers for asthma and allergies. If you do have a child who is prone to asthma or allergies it is often worth cutting dairy and wheat out of their diets to at least see how their symptoms change or don't. It is difficult sometimes and certainly made difficult by advertising, but natural food sources are always the best alternative for an asthma and allergy prone child.

Oh, I cannot stress strongly enough the wide spread effects sugar has on a child's health. Think of it as a 'toxin' next time you give them a lolly or some cordial....READ your labels! Have you ever seen a child whose behaviour gets better after a sugar fix?!

OK let's talk about the drugs and their effects on your body:

Firstly I need to stress that it is essential to have a reliever/puffer/ on hand in case of sudden attacks and severe cases of asthma. Combining drug therapy with natural medicine can be the most beneficial therapy. In the case of a severe asthma attack getting to the emergency department is imperative. Fast efficient medical treatment saves lives.

Bronchodilators (Relievers) work by opening the airways and relaxing the smooth muscles which surround the airways enabling easier breathing.

Continual use of Bronchodilators however is discouraged because their overuse increases airway sensitivity, worsening the underlying asthma. It is also important to know that aerosol drugs often contain propellants such as fluorocarbons, and that many elixirs contain preservatives, artificial colouring, sugar and flavours (including tartrazine). Hey I think I mention those words under triggers causing asthma and allergic attacks...hmmmm?

Preventers of which there are two types, non-steroidal and steroidal work by reducing inflammation in the airwaves.

Long term side effects of inhaled steroids...are you ready...

Puffiness, increased appetite, mood swings, raised blood pressure, thinning of bones, yes you read it folks thinning of bones, easy bruising, slowed growth, glaucoma and cataracts. Wow?! Scary stuff really. As mentioned earlier I strongly recommend having a puffer on hand in case of emergencies - it can save you or your loved one's life. Otherwise let's deal with the causes naturally and without harm to the body! There are so many alternatives that need to be looked at before you or your child is put on a drug based asthma management plan. Drugs can make asthma worse by covering up the symptoms rather than fixing what is the root problem. Mucolytics work on breaking down the mucous. There is some danger with this drug as a significant increase in liquefied mucous may occur after use and bronchospasm can worsen. It may cause side effects such as mouth inflammation, nausea and excess nasal mucous. Finally, medications are exempt from labelling laws; therefore additives are not listed on the bottles. In my professional opinion the best alternative is to use medications only in emergencies and instead to focus on creating healthy bodies.

The reality is that asthma and allergies are an increasing problem in our society. In Australia we have one of the highest rates of asthma in the world. In fact over 10% of the population suffers from asthma in some form. There is a lot of evidence coming to light that as we increase our exposure to preservatives, chemicals and medications we will see a further increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergies. There are healthy alternatives.

So my best advice to you is to seek naturopathic help for the prevention and control of asthma and allergies naturally!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Ways to Reduce Air Pollution in Your Home

Is the air in your home making you sick? Anyone who has ever suffered an asthmatic attack or lives with allergies understands that the air that you breathe can greatly affect your health. These symptoms can become exacerbated by air contaminated by airborne allergens such as dust, pollen, pet dander, molds spores, chemical gases, dust mite feces, etc. These contaminants can initiate allergies in sensitive people. Smoke particles and volatile organic compounds (VOC's) can also pose a health risk. Exposure to these VOC's can increase symptoms of sick building syndrome. Scientific studies are finding that poor air quality can be a factor in some forms of cancer, respiratory illnesses, COPD, and other pulmonary infections and illnesses.

But, how do you reduce air pollution in your home? One of the ways to reduce air pollution in your home is to purchase an air purifier system. An air purifier is a device that removes contaminants from the air. These contaminants can affect people with allergies and people who suffer from asthmatic attacks. They can also be used to eliminate or reduce second hand smoke or other air contamination. Air purifiers have advanced to the point that they are able to capture a greater number of bacterial, virus, and DNA damaging particulates which can be beneficial for people who suffer from allergies.

There are two types of personal air purifier can come in; a standalone unit, or a whole house unit which connects to your existing furnace ductwork. Whole house units can also be used on a larger scale. They are typically used in medical, industrial, or commercial settings and are connected to an air handler or HVAC unit.

The filter of an air purifier acts like a sieve, trapping airborne allergens by size exclusion. Air is forced through an air purifier and particles are physically captured by the filter. There are several methods used to trap contaminants. High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA) removes 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns or larger, and does not generate ozone or other harmful byproducts. Filters also use activated carbon. Activated carbon is a porous material that can absorb volatile chemicals on a molecular basis, but does not remove larger particles. Activated carbon changes contaminants, such as cigarette and cigar smoke as well as other chemical gases, from a gaseous state to a solid state. Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) can also be added to sterilize air that passes through UV lamps. UVGI systems use a fan to force micro-organisms in the air, past the UV lamp, killing the micro-organisms. The dead organisms are then filtered so they are not released back into your home. Polarized-Media Electronic Air Cleaners convert a 24 volt current into a DC voltage creating a polarized electric field. Airborne particles become polarized as they pass through the electric field and are attracted to a disposable filter. Similarly, ion purifier's use electrically charged surfaces to generate electrically charged air or gas ions. These ions attach to airborne particles which then are attracted to a charged collector plate. Ion purifiers come in either fanless or fan-based units. Fanless units use less energy but are less efficient. Much like air ionized purifiers, Liquid Ionizer Purifiers use electrically charged liquid ions which attach themselves to airborne particles and then are removed from the air. Ozone generators produce significant amounts of ozone, a strong oxidant gas, which can oxidize many other chemicals. These ozone generators can only be used in an unoccupied room because they generate large amounts of ozone which is not healthy to breathe. These are usually used in commercial applications, removing smoke odors after fire damage, musty smells after flooding, mold (including toxic mold), and the stench of decaying flesh, which can only be removed by ozone.

There are many types and technologies that make up air purifiers. No matter which you choose, the goal of the personal air purifier is to make the environment inside your home or workplace as clean as possible. Personal air purifiers act as an indoor air cleaner, to reduce the allergen levels in your home, to make your home a healthier place to live. Purchasing an air purifier can be one of your solutions for air pollution.

Friday, October 2, 2015

How to Prevent Viral Induced Asthma Attacks

Did you know that viral infections can also trigger an asthma attack? In such cases, the type of asthma is called viral induced asthma. For instance, you may have common colds which can lead to asthma symptoms. You may find yourself wheezing, coughing, experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain or tightness. Your common colds, which is caused by Rhinovirus, has now resulted in viral induced asthma.

Different viruses which cause respiratory infections have been established to cause viral induced asthma. These are Rhinovirus for common colds, Influenza A for the flu, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus for respiratory infections.

How can viral infection cause asthma? When you have a viral infection, the body will fight this infection through an inflammatory response. If you have viral respiratory infection, the inflammation will be concentrated on the respiratory system. Thus, your respiratory system will start swelling and there will be increased sensitivity of the cells in the air passages. Mucus production is also increased. During this inflammatory response against viral infection, asthma symptoms may start occurring. This is how viral induced asthma begins.

Diagnosis of viral induced asthma must be accurately done in order to make the proper treatment. Lung function tests will accurately establish if you have asthma symptoms. The lung function tests will identify if there are asthmatic changes.

Treatment of viral induced asthma is through anti-asthma medications like bronchodilators and inhalers. Remember that in asthma, prevention is the key. If you can avoid exposure to the trigger, you will have less asthma attacks. How can you prevent viral induced asthma attacks?

In order to prevent viral induced asthma, you must prevent getting a viral infection. Certain viral infections like influenza have vaccines. You can have yourself vaccinated against certain viral infections to increase your body's immunity against these.

Also, increasing your body's immunity against viruses is the key principle in avoiding infections. Aside from vaccinations, you can increase your body's immunity by having a healthy lifestyle. If you are healthy, your body can effectively fight these viruses. A healthy body can be achieved through regular exercise, proper diet, and enough sleep. Eats lots of vegetables and fruits because these are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Certain infections are also common during specific months in a year. Like winter months are seasons of the common colds and flu. During these months, be extra cautious.

Furthermore, proper hygiene and frequent hand washing are very important to prevent from getting viral infections. If you are outdoors, always have a hand sanitizer or non-toxic wipes with you.

Keep your bodies hydrated as well. Drinking plenty of fluids is not only recommended for sick people. This is also very helpful to combat against infections.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Celiac Disease & Asthma Appear to Be Linked - Ease Your Breathing Problems by Eating Gluten Free!

The author of this article has written it because their partner is celiac, and they have asthma. Ever woken up in the middle of the night and not been able to breathe? The thing with asthma is that while it is often hereditary, the onset in modern times often occurs earlier than for the preceding generation, again I have personal experience with this. I started experiencing hay-fever and asthma type symptoms about five years before my father did. I only made the celiac (wheat) / asthma connection a few years ago when after eating meat pies and pasties I found an increase in my mucous as well as an accompanying tightened chest.


I have read several blog entries where people with more severe forms of asthma have experienced a much greater asthma attack after ingesting gluten. While this is informative I believe that you the reader are more likely to be persuaded that a link exists by positive medical study results. That is why I have included the following information. The link between celiac disease and asthma has been as difficult to prove as finding the reason celiac disease exists. However some tangible evidence (statistical relationships) have been found.

The majority of articles suggest there is no link between celiac disease and asthma, while anecdotal evidence from celiacs suggests that their asthma increases dramatically after the ingestion of any gluten foods.   For instance, an article by Dr Pradeep Bhandari (Ref 1) says that "Celiac disease and Asthma tend to run in families and the tendency to get these diseases is inherited genetically. However, they are not inter-linked. The tendency to get celiac disease is inherited genetically. It mostly affects people of European descent. It is also more common in families with Diabetes or rheumatoid Arthritis. Something in the environment is necessary to trigger the celiac disease in those who are susceptible. Asthma tends to run in families. A person with a parent who has Asthma is three to six times more likely to develop Asthma than someone who doesn't have a parent with Asthma. But no single gene is responsible for Asthma. Instead, you may inherit a general predisposition to Asthma" Ref 1   However a 2005 study was performed on a population of 86 persons residing in the Maltese Islands in the Mediterranean Sea does suggest some correlation:  

MALTESE RESEARCH 2005 (Ref 2: Ellul P, Vassallo M, Montefort S)  

"Patients previously diagnosed to have CD (based on serological tests and duodenal biopsy) and attending a medical out-patient clinic answered a questionnaire designed to determine whether they had previously been diagnosed to have asthma or allergic rhinitis." Ref 2   "All 86 patients (age range 16-69 [median 43] years; 65 female) answered the questionnaire about CD and asthma. They constituted 21% of the 409 patients with CD in the Maltese islands included in a register kept for controlling free prescription of gluten-free foods." Ref 2   Of 86 respondents, 24 (27.8%; 21 female) had asthma, including 22 with known asthma and 2 with previously undiagnosed asthma; the frequency of asthma in CD patients was higher than that reported in the general Maltese population (11.1%; pThey conclude that their findings suggest that asthma and allergic rhinitis are more common in CD patients than in the general population in Malta. In patients with atopic diseases, index of suspicion for CD should be high.  

The above study clearly shows that asthma symptoms are more prevalent among those people who suffer from celiac disease. It looks like my pie story is gaining weight, all puns intended.

FINNISH study in 2001 (Ref 3: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)  

This study tested the postulate of whether TH1 and TH2 cells could co-exist. A correlation between these would suggest a correlation between celiac disease and asthma. "Background: Asthma is generally regarded as a disease with strong TH2-type cytokine expression, whereas in autoimmune disorders, such as celiac disease (CD), insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), TH1-type expression is seen. According to the cross-regulatory properties of TH1 and TH2 cells, one would assume that these diseases exist in different patient populations." Ref 3   "Objective: We sought to test the hypothesis that asthma could exist in children with TH1-type diseases, such as CD, IDDM, and RA. Methods: Comparison was made of the cumulative incidence of asthma in children with CD, IDDM, or RA by linking Finnish Medical Birth Register data on the whole 1987 birth cohort (n = 60,254 births) with the data of several national health registers to obtain information on the incidences of these diseases during the first 7 years of life." Ref 3   "Results: The cumulative incidence of asthma in children with CD (24.6%) or RA (10.0%) was significantly higher than in children without CD (3.4%) or RA (3.4%; P T

These data indicate that the TH1 and TH2 diseases can coexist, indicating a common environmental denominator behind the disease processes."  

IMPLICATIONS   While these two studies do not show a causal relationship (proof that one disease causes another), they do suggest that there is a strong correlation between the diseases. That means that if you have celiac disease there is a greater likelihood that you will have asthma. The main 'take home' point from this is that for people who are celiac, or gluten intolerant, and have asthma, that the removal of gluten from their diet is likely to decreases the incidence and severity of their asthma.

With global warming extending the hayfever season over the last several years, the last thing I need is gluten intolerance extending difficulty in breathing to all year round. If you are celiac  or gluten intolerant and asthmatic, this article may help you quit gluten.