Thursday, September 10, 2015

Know The Signs Of a Bronchial Cough

There are many times of the year when bronchial infections seem to increase. While not a researcher or medical professional, I have noticed that cold and rainy weather along with the changes in seasons, my kids seem to have more than their share of colds and flu like symptoms.

Bronchitis, like many illnesses is broken down as either acute or short term, and chronic which is much longer. A major sign of an upper respiratory tract infection is a persistent cough. In an attempt to remove yellow or green mucus. When infection hits, the pulmonary tract, it's not unusual for a body to generate huge amounts of mucus. One symptom of bronchitis is an ongoing and persistent bronchial cough.

A bronchial cough can quickly be identified by a tight feeling in a person's chest and usually wheezing. The person with bronchitis may also not be able to breathe deeply and breathing may be difficult or painful.

Wheezing often sounds as if there's an air leak characterized as a whistling noise in the chest that occurs when breathing. This is due to the obstructions and constrictions of the bronchial tubes due to infection.

The absolute best cure for bronchitis and a chesty cough is to make an appointment with your doctor. There are medications available that can provide relief not only for the cough, but also the infection. This is especially important if the coughing is keeping the person from sleeping or is more violent than normal.

Hard coughing can lead to ruptures or pulled muscles that then make it painful to cough. Anyone with an illness like a respiratory tract infection also needs the rest in a medical doctor can help with both.

Until you're able to get in to see the doctor however, have the person with bronchitis resting in a more upright position. This sometimes can help control the coughing. Hot tea with honey has also been known as a home remedy for a cough.

Neither of these two ideas however can replace an appointment with the doctor. Left to itself, a bronchial infection can result in pneumonia, asthma or other serious and chronic diseases.

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