Friday, September 11, 2015

Asthma and Allergies - Chinese Drywall's Contaminants Can Affect Your Health

The story goes on and on about Chinese Drywall with no end in sight. It seems that no one can make up their mind about what is causing the noxious odors in the homes with Chinese Drywall installed in them. Several Florida Builder's are being proactive by removing the drywall and replacing it after multiple complaints came from the homeowners. There are a lot of homeowners who are being forced to abandon their homes because they are getting sick in their homes. The are moving to prevent getting sick or have a member of their family who has Asthma or Allergies.

The details of the latest round of testing by another Florida Environmental Consulting Firm; they are claiming to have solved the mystery about the noxious odor that is making homeowners sick. They are saying that the materials to make the drywall is recycled material from inside of smokestacks of China's notoriously polluting coal-based energy facilities, This theory is being put forth by Intuitive Environmental Solutions of Florida. To prove this will require a trip to China and do they really think that the Chinese are going to cooperate in an investigation as massive as this problem. I hope they do, but am not counting on. Maybe we can get some of O'bama's Stimulus Money to put Drywall Workers back to work removing and replacing all this bad Chinese Drywall. That would be something positive for the economy.

The latest information comes from US Senator Bill Nelson of Florida who is trying to get the IRS to allow homeowner's to qualify for a casualty-loss deduction if government agencies determine that Chinese Drywall emits "an unusual or severe concentration of chemical fumes" that causes "extreme and unusual damage." The tests are on going. The tax write-off could be worth tens of thousands of dollars according to Senator Bill Nelson's office per the Sun Sentinel on July 11, 2009 issue. This will help, but what are the homeowners going to do who are strapped for cash at this time due to the economy. I know several people who have this drywall in their homes and are without jobs right now.

In conclusion, Chinese Drywall was manufactured with substandard materials and it omits noxious odors that is affecting people's health which creates a problem in their home. One environmental company believes that they used recycled material from inside of smokestacks of the coal burning energy facilities. Senator Bill Nelson of Florida is trying to get a casualty loss deduction from the IRS to help homeowners. People with Asthma or Allergies are being affected by these toxic materials.

If you have any questions regarding this toxic issue, feel free to call us or visit our website.

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