For asthmatics it is important that they themselves would be able to take personal action in order to achieve greater and faster improvement in their condition. There are of course many treatment options that they can take in order to make this happen. But the problem with this is in the number of options available and the safety level of the methods. There's conventional medication, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal remedies, home remedies, and breathing techniques. Each one may indeed be of help but due to the number of products and treatments out there you would be at a total loss even before you get to one that might actually work, and not to mention that without expert help some of the techniques can be dangerous.
But among those mentioned there is one technique that has proven itself time and again in giving asthmatics greater control over their condition without any medicinal intervention involved; breathing techniques. Breathing techniques involve simple exercises that aim to correct erroneous breathing habits that have been developed over time. Not only that breathing exercises are easy to master, does not need any special equipments or materials and most importantly can be done alone without any assistance. In order to develop your very own breathing treatment you will still need to be able to learn the basics from more established methods, thereby allowing you to incorporate your own styles after mastery is achieved.
So far the three most established breathing methods out there today are; Buteyko, Papworth and Pranayama. While differing in core principles and practices that might be involved in each, these three techniques have proven that making simple changes in the way that you breathe can generate a huge difference in terms of asthma control.
Not only that it is not a wonder why these techniques are considered to be safe, because; first point; no medical intervention; second, exercises are concentrated on breathing which means minimal force is needed; and lastly, no special materials or apparatuses are needed in order to perform any of the exercises eliminating the chances of accidents.
Various clinics are spread throughout the United States which teach these different methods and only requires a few sessions to complete (except for Pranayama since there are many techniques involved and is a continuous process of learning), but the advantage is that after you have learned the core teachings and practices you will be able to apply it to your everyday life allowing you to instantly and continuously reap the benefits. If you are interested in learning any of the techniques mentioned above, take time to do proper research first, in order to find out which one will work particularly well for you, also, do not forget to inform your doctor as they may be able to give you additional advice.
I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their website at I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!