In this article we are going to talk about astral projection for beginners! The simple truth is that the OBE (out of body experience) is one of the most exciting and breathtaking adventures you can create. Continue reading below as we explore the wild and wonderful supernatural surfboard! Read on..:-)
Basic Facts
According to some studies, about 10% of the population has had an OBE. Most of these are spontaneous and unplanned - happening in either a crisis situation ( like near death) or when a loved one has passed away (sometimes called a "shared near death experience") or in any other otherworldly mystical and mysterious context. Most of these projections happen once or twice in a lifetime to these sorts of people, and remain the most profound moments of their lives.
Induced Astral Projection
For our purposes, we're talking about a planned projection. This is where you actually INTEND to leave your body through practice perseverance. Meditation is one of the central ways that many of us have an induced projection. Bi nural beat technologies have been a remarkable way to induce an OBE, as they "entrain" the brain to synchronize at very harmonious levels, which are a HUGE help to separating from your physical self.
My Favorite Technique for Beginners?
Easy! Meditation and sound technology as above, with deep internal visualization. Concentrating on a spot at the back of the head, for example, is a very powerful way to change your consciousness quickly. Why? You can't see a spot in the back of your head obviously...and this intense focus, for me anyway, brings about a shift in consciousness that is powerful.
Concentration, on SOME object out of the field of your immediate view is a central component of allowing your awareness to shift in a way that engages the part of the mind that allows for connection with the astral realms - whatever, and wherever they may be! ( and while I've had more than 75 incredible OBE's myself...I'm STILL not quite sure what it is that is going on!)
I do know that it's the most eye opening, wonderful adventure you can have - and once you start, it's IMPOSSIBLE to stop..:-)
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