Friday, September 4, 2015

How a Simple Breathing Exercise Can Cure Heartburn, IBS and Asthma

Is it true? Does a simple breathing exercise, practiced for 20 minutes or so during the day, often result in heartburn, allergies and asthma getting better or going away completely?

Doctors treat heartburn today as if it was produced by excess stomach acid. But the drugs they give you to lower your stomach acid (proton pump inhibitors) are known to create a proliferation of bad bacteria and yeasts in your stomach and intestines.

Doctors treat asthma as though it was caused by breathing passages getting swollen and reduced. But the drugs they give you to make the breathing passages less swollen (inhaled corticosteroid sprays) and bigger (albuterol and other bronchodilators) actually make asthma worse. It is clear that the medicines and the treatment approach to allergies, heartburn, asthma, and even irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's don't work.

Because these medicines treat symptoms, not causes.

And these ailments all may have a common cause.

Evidence that asthma, allergies, acid reflux and Crohn's have a common cause

If they didn't have a common cause, then why would, for instance, excess stomach acid (allegedly the cause of GERD), have anything to do with irritable bowel syndrome? Bowels don't have stomach acid. Yet, people with GERD often have bowel problems. And why would half of asthmatics have GERD symptoms? GERD is supposedly caused by excess stomach acid, while asthma is supposedly caused by inhaling "allergens." Asthma and GERD -- how could they be connected, if they didn't have a common cause?

No, the truth is very different. The truth is in many clinical studies. The truth can be easily tested.

Here is what you need to do. Do this -- but only under the supervision of your doctor. Breathe in and out quickly for one or two minutes. Just that. Just simple hyperventilation. Deep breaths. What do you experience? If you are like 90% of people, you will experience your symptoms.

Do you have asthma? You may have an attack.

Do you have acid reflux? Your stomach may do flip flops.

Irritable bowel? You may have spasms.

Warning: This is serious stuff. ONLY do this under a doctor's supervision. It is a powerful demonstration of what is causing your problems...

Low carbon dioxide levels in your body are making you sick

Because, if you know how, you can eliminate most or all of your gerd, IBS, allergies and often other ailments in a few days. The method addresses the fundamental cause. Your body is very low in something that is a key metabolite for every cell. This substance is at levels far too low for you to be healthy. This substance is naturally occurring in our bodies. And within certain limits, the higher the levels, the healthier we are.

This substance does the following:

  • It makes us calmer and less anxious

  • It powerfully expands our airways

  • It reduces our blood sugar levels

  • It reduces our stomach acid

  • It reduces our intestinal motility (cuts down on intestinal movement)

What is this substance?

Carbon dioxide.

Far from being a waste product, carbon dioxide is one of the most essential substances and if our levels are too low, we will have the plethora of symptoms that many of us have. By doing simple, relaxing breathing exercises, I got rid of my symptoms in two days. Hundreds of thousands of people have cured themselves. Clinical studies prove it.

You may be able to do it too.

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