Saturday, October 24, 2015

One of the Best Alternative Asthma Treatments?

Did you know that breathing exercises could work as alternative asthma treatments? Several exercises were found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of asthma and it could also contribute to a lower dose of medication.

What is asthma in the first place? Asthma is a chronic lung condition that causes difficulty in breathing. When left untreated, asthma can be fatal. It is important for asthma to be properly diagnosed by a doctor and its treatment needs to be supervised. Medications like bronchodilators are often given to asthma patients to relieve symptoms such as wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath but natural alternative asthma treatments can also be a big help.

There are actually many alternative asthma treatments available. These include diet modification, acupuncture, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, vitamin and mineral supplementation, and herbal remedies. Breathing exercises are among the alternative asthma treatments that are considered both safe and effective.

In asthma, patients experience difficulty in breathing. This exercises are aimed to relax the chest muscles and to teach the right way of breathing, focusing more on the abdomen and the diaphragm rather than on the muscles of the chest. It also helps asthma patients focus more on breathing out or exhalation especially at the onset of an attack.

Here are three examples of breathing exercises that may be used by asthmatic patients.


Pranayama refers to the breathing exercises used during yoga. Studies show that constant practice of yoga postures and breathing techniques helped increase the airflow in the lungs and improve air capacity which led to a reduction both in the frequency and intensity of the asthma attacks. There was also a lesser need for medications.

There are basically 8 types of pranayama and which exercise to be done is based on what triggered the asthma attack. For example, ujjayi pranayama is done for asthma triggered by cold air while shitali pranayama is for asthma triggered by allergies. Exercises should always be done under the supervision of a yoga therapist.


Another exercise is the Buteyko technique. It helps regulate breathing patterns to avoid hyperventilation during asthma attacks. Advice is also given about reducing stress, proper nutrition, medication, and general health. Buteyko technique is known to reduce asthma attacks, make breathing easier, and make one less dependent on medications.


Another breathing exercise is the Papworth method. It emphasizes the importance of using nose breathing as well as development of breathing patterns adaptable to one's current activity. It also involves diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques.

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