Thursday, January 28, 2016

Asthma Signs And Symptoms

Getting desperate to breathe in the real sense?

Want to eat all that you crave for?

Want to do anything to get rid of a handicap-like inhalers and medicines?

Do not worry!

Here is a complete guide to free you from this trap FOREVER!

But first of all, let us join to gather the needed information about your problem Asthma!


Asthma is a chronic condition in which narrowing of the nasal or air passage causes periodic attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. These changes occur with the changes in the environment, including weather, allergens (such as dog or cat dander or dust), foods, or respiratory infections (flu, colds). Asthma is also popularly known as Bronchial asthma, Exercise induced asthma - bronchial.

Causes of Asthma:

Asthma occurs due to several reasons, the most important ones being:

1. Inhaled allergens like pet dander, dust mites, cockroach allergens, molds, or pollens

2. Respiratory infections

3. Exercise

4. Cold air

5. Tobacco smoke and other pollutants

6. Stress

7. Food

8. Drug allergies

9. Aspirin and other NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications (NSAIDS)

10. An individual and/or family history of allergies such as Hay Fever (allergic rhinitis) or Eczema

11. strong emotions

Asthma attacks can last from minutes to days and become really dangerous if the flow of the air becomes severely restricted.

Recent researches show that asthma occurs in 3-5% of adults and 7-10% of children. Usually, half of the people with asthma develop this disease before age 10, and the rest before age 30. These symptoms can decrease over time, especially in children.

Asthma Symptoms:

Here are some of the most common asthma signs and symptoms you should always remember:

1. Shortness of breath

Your chest feels tight and you start feeling that you cannot catch your breath anymore or get all the air you need.

2. Frequent Coughing

If you cough very frequently every day or if this cough starts interrupting your sleep at night that won't quit, it could be a symptom of asthma.

3. Wheezing attacks

A whistling sound heard when a person with asthma is breathing. It happens when mucus causes the small passageways in your lungs called alveoli start to narrow. It happens all of a sudden and not constant. It may worsen at bedtime or early morning or by breathing cold air or by exercising.

4. Intercostal Retractions

These retractions stand for the inward movement of the muscles in the spaces between the ribs. The reduced pressure in the chest cavity is the reason for this pulling of the muscles. This is a sign of difficult breathing.

5. Tightness in the Chest

This can be quite threatening to the asthma sufferer. It gives the feeling of a steel band or a weight that is keeping your lungs from fully expanding as your breathe in.

6. Pallor or Cyanosis

Pallor is a whitish color and cyanosis is a bluish color in the lips and face. If either one of these is followed with severe shortness of breath, are danger signs of asthma attack. You need to get help right away if you notice this symptom.

7. Anxiety or Discomfort

A feeling of intense fear and uneasiness occurs when you find it difficult to breathe. If your anxiety is accompanied by short of breath and / or pallor or cyanosis, then undoubtedly, its time to get emergency help.

8. Fast pulse rate

If you find that your pulse is running extremely fast and you are sweating badly, then do not waste even a single moment and visit your doctor.

If you notice any of these symptoms in you or any of your near and dear ones on a regular or ongoing basis, then you might consult a doctor about whether you have asthma. And if already an asthma sufferer then do not waste time and immediately visit your doctor. Your doctor will diagnose your symptoms.

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