Asthma is a disease that affects the respiratory system. This system is in charge of breathing in the human body. It is the second most important system in the body after the heart. The airways that carry air in and out of the lungs swell when irritated and therefore cannot carry air as required and this brings about the shortage of air. This will result in the symptoms of asthma being seen.
These symptoms are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness of chest and heavy breathing. These symptoms of asthma are usually triggered by different conditions that one is exposed to. They are animals, fungi, molds, emotions, vigorous exercise, sex, hormones, house dust mites and air pollution. These conditions when exposed to one, reacts to it and thus causing the symptoms of asthma that lead to an attack.
Therefore, it is important to avoid what triggers asthma in one's case as they vary from person to person. Asthma definition can be characterized by its causes which include hereditary, eczema, allergy, smoking and environmental pollution. These are the major causes. Some like smoking and environmental pollution can be avoided. Asthma is a disease that affects all ages from infants, children, adults and old people. This disease is wide spread throughout and cannot be said to dominate only a particular part of the world.
Asthma can turn out to be a fatal disease if not controlled. There are various categories of asthma such as mild, severe, and chronic. Most cases begin as mild but tend to progress, this could be due to lack of proper treatment or could also be unavoidable. Asthma is a disease that does not have a permanent cure. Treatment available is only to control the condition and enable the patients to live comfortably with this situation and reduce chances of it getting worse.
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