In the recent credit crunch, people tend to buy the things that are used and are cheap but are not of good quality. They compromise on quality for less cost. But the quality cannot be over ruled by cost in every occasion. Same is the case with the buying of helmets. People buy used helmets to save some money but they do not realize that it can cost them their life.
It is always advisable to spend some extra money on items that provide you protection and can save you life. The rubbers of used helmets are not strong enough to protect the head in case of any accident.
The previous owner of the helmet may not have used it carefully and there are chances that it is cracked from inside and you are not aware of it. It's not necessary that accidents would have made the helmet week but some times its life is over and its parts are not strong enough now to support any accidents. If it would have been strong, why the owner would have left it? Don't take the risk of your life for few dollars.
Apart from being weak there are some health concerns as well. It would contain the sweat and hair of the previous owner. You may get sick from that or may get any skin allergy. It is also possible that the owner would have been the patient of asthma and you may also get this disease because used helmets may not be clean. You surely do not want to get sick for few dollar saving.
Size of the helmet is another problem. You may not get an exact size helmet either it would be loose or tight. What ever the case is you won't feel comfortable. New helmets are available in different sizes and you may select an appropriate size that would fit you. Wearing a helmet that do not fit will make you uncomfortable and may cause an accident because you may loose your concentration while adjusting the helmet.
Riding motorcycle is a sense of pleasure for some people and makes them feel relax. They like to ride on the motorcycle alone on a long road. Some youngsters like to race their motorcycle on the road with their friends. Some even try to drive it on one wheel. If the helmet is not strong then the accident caused can take their life or may disable them for the rest of their life. No one would prefer saving money on such life saving items.
Enjoy your ride but not at the expense of your life. There may be several individuals around you who lost their life just because their safety equipments were not strong enough to bear the shock of those accidents.
So do not play with your life by buying these unreliable helmets. Their purpose is to save you head from maximum shock. If they cannot perform their function then what's the point of buying it. Make the right choice when it comes to your life!
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